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5.1 Use assessment and data analysis to monitor student progress and guide instruction over time to ensure an increase in student learning.

Star progress monitoring reports are using done at the beginning of the year (Aug.), middle of the year (Dec.), and end of the year (May) to monitor students' learning progress throughout the year. This was their progress monitoring report for Aug (teal color) to the end of September (darker blue). Most of the students increased a bit. We assume this is from content being refreshed that they forgot over the summer. A few students did stand stagnant or even fell a few points. This could be due to rushing through the test, forgetting material, or even guessing correctly on the initial data test. The test breaks down the different reading areas and how each student performed so the Ms. Hunter and I could differentiate our instruction to meet the needs of students who remained stagnant or fell back a few points. It allows us to reteach or review different reading and ELA skillsets throughout the semester and year. We did have two students who failed out of the STAR testing in the pre-test. This is because they are not able to read. We are working with these two students daily in small group to work on letters and letter sounds to get them on track to read. This STAR reading scores show that our average reading level is 1.9 for the classroom. 

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