4a: Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments to diagnose students' learning needs and inform instruction based on those needs.

Here I have my ELA rotations poster. The students names are velcro so students can me moved across groups or to different centers based on their needs that I gather from assessments. If a students needs more assistance in fluency or writing, I am able to make that adjustment to our centers rotation poster to meet the needs of students.
4b: Designs & aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning objectives and lead to mastery.

I like to make sure my formative and summative assessments align with the standards and objectives within my lessons. For this lesson my formative assessment was to have students complete this measuring worksheet within the lesson. Students would circulate the room measuring different bats, spiders, and ghosts I had taped up. I was able to help students who were not measuring properly to ensure students learned how to measure and be accurate about it. The summative assessment was an end of unit test that was given at a later date. All of my students did fantastic and showed mastery of this standard at the end of unit as well as on the formative assessment.
4c: Uses a variety of assessment tolls to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains.

I assess all of my students in many different needs to monitor their progress and goals/gains. I think using multiple assessment tools is beneficial to all students because they may be able to answer better if it's a written out answer rather than a simple multiple choice. Quizzes with multiple choice answers, written responses (as pictures on benchmark), or even answering and explanation their reasoning out loud in a class discussion or small group discussion allows me to see their knowledge and mastery of content in different ways. I also make sure students understand the rubric for written responses before beginning to ensure they are able to do their best.

4d: Modifies assessment and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles and varying levels of knowledge.

I have a few students who need to get up and move during assessments as sitting in a chair is not possible for them during the duration of assessments or activities. These students are given a clipboard and are allowed to choose an area in the room where they want to complete their assessments or worksheets. When we do benchmark assessments they are done on their chromebooks, so these two students are able to have the same accommodation with their chromebooks. They may choose an area of the room to work. They prefer the carpet because they are able to move around a little bit and adjust the way they are sitting. We also do frequent movement breaks before and after periods of sitting to assist these students.
4e: Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student's parent/caregiver(s).

I also have a varying level of activities in the centers so that students aren't struggling with their center station. Pictured is my "word work" station. My higher students are able to role a word dice and spell is using the magnet letter or velcro letters. My lower students are able to build words using the puzzles. Having various levels of activities within the center allows students to stay engaged instead of getting board and becoming off task.

All parents are on remind and able to reach out to me at any time. I actually had several reach out after progress reports because of confusion with the 1s and 2s given for grades. Grades sent home for the student showed stars from me, so parents were confused on why their student received a 1 instead of 2s or 3s in some areas. I had to explain to parents that a 1 does not mean the student is "behind", it just means they are still working towards a mastery level independently. Benchmark data and progress reports were sent home last week. I do not have access to my students benchmark data from the county yet. I am still waiting for the approval to access the excel document.

4f: Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.

I love STAR assessment as it automatically organizes my reading and math data by class or on an individual level to see which students need extra practices or interventions. It shows me where students sit individually. If they need immediate intervention and even tells me what they need the interventions on. It breaks down into 4 graded levels: above benchmark, at benchmark, on watch, intervention, and immediate intervention. Majority of my students are at blue or above. I have 3 students in yellow and red, and those students are getting interventions as I mentioned in previous FEAPs.