For students’ language arts assessment, I chose to test them on common and proper nouns. They were tested on different types of nouns and had to determine if the noun was common or proper. So far they have only had minimal exposure during their morning grammar packet work. The assessment worksheet was 10 questions.

When teaching students about common and proper nouns I had to be explicit in explaining that if it doesn’t name the person place or animal specifically, it is a common noun. I taught a direct instruction lesson on common and proper nouns and we completed a worksheet as a class at a group pace using the ELMO to display the worksheet on the board as well. I had students take turns reading and answering the questions, but I also had them explain their reasoning. After the lesson and worksheet, I still think they needed a little extra practice just to be sure. I had students get their chromebook and join a quizizz game on common and proper nouns. Quizizz is similar to Kahoot except I can control the pace and only I can see the scores. The students absolutely love when I use Quizizz with them. After reviewing the scores and answers on Quizizz, I realized they had a pretty good understanding of common and proper nouns. I still had a few students who were struggling, but that was expected.
Interactive games and activities seem to be a hit with students and I think it is a great way to teach and test knowledge on lessons and skills. I don’t just want my students to get the answer right; I want to know that they know how and why they got that answer. This goes across all subject areas.