5a : Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students' needs.

Here I have provided my Professional Development Plan from the last practicum semester. I am still currently working on my final Professional Development Plan now. But I do believe an effective teacher is always looking for ways to be better. From professional development seminars and meetings to actually writing a plan for yourself. It is important for us and the children to be the best we can be even if that means we are learning all the time.
5b : Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement.

I used data from assessments as well as their DRA scores to group students appropriately for seating arrangements in the class as well as grouping for guided reading. I think this is pertinent because it allows us to "format" our class room in a sense. Not all my higher readers sit together. Each group of tables has a variety of DRA levels and abilities. However, for guided reading groups, this allows me to pair students together with similar reading levels so I am not passing out and trying to read 4 different books simultaneously. It also helps the students who are a little behind in that level understand the higher order thinking that their peers are doing to understand the book and material. I also do this with STAR math and Reflex math scores to pull groups and adjust instruction and center activities for my students.

5c : Uses a variety of data independently and in collaboration with colleagues to evaluate learning outcomes, adjust planning, and continuously improve effectiveness of the lessons.

Every week, I meet with my grade level team, the liaison, and administration for collaborative planning. We compare data scores for STAR and Benchmark across the grade level as well as district wide. It helps us collaborate and come up with ways to improve our scores and teaching. I have also included our shared first grade google drive. This is where we are able to share content and games for others across the first grade team to use at their own will. We included games, powerpoints, worksheets, assessments, and centers activities in this drive. I love this google drive because we are able to share our own findings and use others findings as well. There is some really awesome material in our drive for this year already.
5d : Collaborates with the home, school, and larger communities to foster communication and to support student learning and continuous improvement.

Every student, even new ones, gets a 'meet your teacher' paper that goes home in their folder. This allows the parents to get to know me as well and included ways to stay in touch with me. Our school utilizing Remind to chat with parents, as well as ClassDojo to share behavior throughout the day. Keeping parents or guardians involved can be difficult. I send planners home daily and parents are expected to initial the planner to show that it was seen. If it is initialed, I give students a star. If it was not initialed, I circle the box. This allows me to note which days it was signed and when I need to reach out about important information that was missed.
5e : Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices, both independently and in collaboration with colleagues.

Every Thursday morning during specials area, I attend 1st grade collaborative planning. Even before entering my own classroom, I attended this for 2nd grade with Ms. Hunter. We are able to discuss the needs of students on an individual level as well as on a grade level as a whole. We share resources, input, and even intervention strategies. I also have gained a lot of insight from my CT regarding my journals. She still comes to see me at least once a week to check up on how I am doing and help in any way she can. She has helped me with managing my time for interventions, which I am extremely grateful for! These experiences combined have definitely assisted me in growing professional and gaining classroom experience this semester and I am forever thankful for that.
5f : Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development in the teaching and learning process.

Here I have included my PDP draft for my final internship semester. This is not completed or in the correct table, but I will make those adjustments before submitting it for the PDP assignment. My goals for this semester were to improve rime management, classroom management, and improve higher order thinking questioning. I believe I have learned this skills and implement them this semester. My CT has taught and provided me with tools to meet these goals in my own classroom. I am confident that by December, these skills will be met.