5.7 Demonstrate research-based instructional practices for developing both academic and domain specific vocabulary.

This is an activity we do with students to help increase their vocabulary skills and check for thorough comprehension. We sometimes do this as a whole group activity utilizing the board, but majority of the time this is used in small center so we can access their comprehension. We have printed and laminated Wheel of Vocab sheets. When doing whole group each student has a partner and they share a sheet. Students are given a sheet, a pencil, and a paper clip to create a ‘spinner’. Students will spin their paper clip and land on one of the four options (Draw it, define it, use it in a sentence, and act it out) They then are given or can draw a vocabulary word depending if they are in small group taking turns or working with a partner during whole group. Using that vocabulary word, each student does the specific activity that way spun on the sheet. This allows students to demonstrate a mastery of the vocabulary skills. We can implement academic and domain specific vocabulary into their exercise. If we are working on a specific science concept, we can utilize this activity to ensure mastery of those vocabulary terms.