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5.6 Demonstrate research-based instructional practices for developing reading fluency and reading endurance.

For this concept, I used our Fluency center. Students are given a tasks to complete during their center rotation here. The task and directions are listed on the plastic sign on top of the shelf. Students will come to the fluency center in groups of two or more. They can quiz each other on sight words (hanging on the side of shelf), do specific fluency focuses (color bins on middle to shelves), or do a "play" using the scripts (bottom left shelf). The plays have two parts that students will play/read aloud depending on the part they have. One the back of the playbook, there are comprehension questions. Students must read the play 3 times out loud before answering the questions and moving on. In a way, the play reading is similar to buddy reading. On the top shelf you can also see the fluency readers on the right side. These can be used in small group with the teacher or grade level para to be read out loud multiple times to increase fluency. In this center, we are able to focus on areas from the STAR assessment to increase fluency as it is one of the fundamentals of reading. 

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