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5.11 Demonstrate differentiation of instruction for all students utilizing increasingly complex print and digital text.

Unit 1 day 1 story, 2 pages

For this concept I decided to show off our new Benchmark Universe curriculum. Not only is the entire series available in digital text online for students who are out for an extended time or even those who choose to be virtual. Our Benchmark reading curriculum uses increasingly complex print as well as digital readers that are varying levels for students. One day one, we start with a short 2 page informational text about the Emperor Penguin Habitat. We continue building on the concept of a habitat and building our background knowledge of each habitat daily with a text that is increasingly more complex each day. By day 5 (end of the first week) students have a complex print that consists of 5 pages of text that elaborates on a habitat that the character Fillberto lives in, the valley. Throughout this week unit students are reading increasingly complex print as well as the paired digital leveled readers on different animals and plant from that habitat. We read a digital reader about the Texas Chirping frog and what type of habitat that frog needs to survive in Texas (warm, moist, and soil/leaves). I love Benchmark so far because it increases complexity as time goes on which the students are able to easily follow. Being able to see the students make the connections with prior knowledge and grow their knowledge as we continue learning about habitats has been amazing. 

Unit 1, day 5, 5 page story

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