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Math Lesson:Measuring

For this benchmark, I chose to pretest and post test students for a lesson on measuring with a ruler. The students were given a mini assessment and a ruler and asked to measure the items printed on the paper and label with the correct units. The class average was sitting just above 75% for the pre test. The lowest score fell just below 60%. I taught a full direct instruction lesson on measuring with a ruler and how to properly line their rulers up when doing so. This was the first time students had been exposed to this content since last school year. A lot of students were confused or forgot how to measure. I used the ELMO to model how to measure properly and line the ruler up to zero. After practicing for about 10 minutes, students were asked to measure on a second formative assessment I gave out during this lesson. We worked on measuring with a partner and then measuring by theirselves. The formative assessments allow me to check mastery of the skill and guide my instruction during the lesson. After retesting the students with the assessment as a post test, the average class score was above 85%. I believe a little more time could have been spent ensuring students achievement of mastery with measuring with a ruler, but my students did amazing for this lesson and post test. Reviewing this data allowed me to determine if I was doing well with my instruction approaches and students' knowledge and mastery of content. I believe that hands on activities paired with partnered assignments absolutely can ensure student mastery of objectives and content. 

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